Well it certainly has been a tough past couple of weeks on the work front – lots of deal cutting and trying to get new business using our Freight System. We have also been busy with general housekeeping such as Book-keeping, taxes etc. – especially as we are going for R&D grant / funding this year for some of our projects and initiatives. This will help my business greatly if we succeed in obtaining such funding.
Category Archives: Ventures
Anything related to my ventures.
Day 41 to 47 – Nothing beats a new, fresh coat of paint!
Hello all,
Not much to update this week as the renovations are going along strongly and taking up the majority of my time.
The house renovations are coming along nicely with painting well under way. It’s amazing how good a fresh white coat of paint looks. I anticipate painting will be finished over the next week or two and will post before and after pictures of the renovations then.
Continue reading Day 41 to 47 – Nothing beats a new, fresh coat of paint!
Day 34 to 40 – A fourth bedroom is born!
Hello all,
A really quick update this week – things are very hectic at the moment…
So, renovations are certainly under way now the loan has been approved. So far I have purchased paints, plaster and some basic tools and coming well under budget at this stage which is great.
Day 13 to 19 – Things are starting to get some momentum.. including my fitness!
Well, what a busy week – just the way I like it!
I got most of the things I wanted to get done except for probably one of the most important things, letting my partner know of my moves this 2014 year.
Continue reading Day 13 to 19 – Things are starting to get some momentum.. including my fitness!
Day 2 to 5 – Surely it’s just a state of mind?
Even though the numbers just add up and that it all just makes sense to sell up and release myself from the tentacles of debt – sentimentality seems to be a weak point of mine.
I love my beloved house. I bought it 8 years ago – excited as everything was just coming together for my life. I had a good IT job. A nice car. Good friends and family. A good University Degree. I certainly had a lot for a 22 year old.
Continue reading Day 2 to 5 – Surely it’s just a state of mind?