Last week I came across a pretty cool article that I would like to share…
All posts by F
Fitness – Almost 20kms in a day and 25000+ steps!
I had a pretty awesome Sunday fitness wise…
Managed to walk 25000+ steps over almost 20kms! Whoohoo.
Continue reading Fitness – Almost 20kms in a day and 25000+ steps!
Day 20 to 26 – My renovation loan is approved!
Last week, there was some good news. With the help of my parents, I am able to obtain a small renovation loan to get started on house preparations for sale. The loan be signed and processed roughly on the 4th of February.
Continue reading Day 20 to 26 – My renovation loan is approved!
Fitness – 10000 steps and counting
Today my FitBit celebrated 10000 steps in a day. Now I have easily done this before but it’s kind of nice having it recognised.
Yesterday I had quite a good cardio workout and well on my way on losing more weight. I used to be 130kgs last year but now after weighing myself I am a much healthier 95kgs.
MAI – Motivation & Inspiration 3
MAI – Motivation & Inspiration 2
Make sure you live life now as it’s all coming to an end in one hundred quadrillion years! Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and reach for the stars because in the end, everything you do all ends up in the same place.
Fitness – My new fitbit!
Nice! My long-time high school friend ‘D’ got me a beautiful little 30th birthday present – a Fitbit Flex of my very own!
Day 13 to 19 – Things are starting to get some momentum.. including my fitness!
Well, what a busy week – just the way I like it!
I got most of the things I wanted to get done except for probably one of the most important things, letting my partner know of my moves this 2014 year.
Continue reading Day 13 to 19 – Things are starting to get some momentum.. including my fitness!
MAI – Motivation & Inspiration 1
Day 16 – A new era begins! 30 <= x < 40
Today, a short post as I eat cake and welcome in a new, successful era.
I have now finally turned 30 and ready to LAUNCH! Woohoo!!!
A more reflective post will go up soon, but for now I am going to spend the rest of the night with my loving family and enjoy this blessed day.
Take care.